Profile: Julia Renison
By Nidha Eakambaram
What is a hobby you do in your free time? What do you like about it?
I do track in the spring and I have a personal coach so I do it regularly. Not recently though because I have been doing volleyball. Volleyball I do at Lincoln. It's really fun and I really enjoy it.
Nice! It sounds like you are really into sports. Okay on to our second question. Do you have a pet? If not, what is an animal you would like to have as a pet?
Actually I have four dogs. I have a black lab, a great dane, and two golden retrievers. They are all girls too.
Oh wow. It is hard to manage all of them?
Well I have three at my mom’s house and one at my dad’s. So not really, it balances out, but I don’t really take care of them, my parents do that.
Great. So for the third question - what is your favorite type of music? Why?
I really like rap music because of the beats. I just really like music in general, just mostly rap music. It’s just fun to listen to.
Cool! Ok we are almost done - what is a hobby or activity you want to try in the future?
I want to snowboard more. I already snowboard but if we are talking about trying something new probably… well basketball sounds like fun or dance, yeah I really want to try dance.
Nice! On to our last question - what do you want to be when you grow up?
Something in the fashion industry, but I don’t know what yet. I just really love fashion. It's my favorite way to express myself. And I want to get a track scholarship for college. That's about it though.
Okay so you want to do something in fashion. How does fashion help you express yourself?
I think that fashion has really helped me figure out who I am because depending on what you are wearing it can show what you are feeling. If I were feeling sad or didn’t want to do anything that day, I would wear something like sweatpants. If I'm in an outgoing, fun, or bubbly mood, I would dress up and wear a colorful top and just a fun outfit. It just really helps me express my mood and how I’m feeling.
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