Nina Mink: Cooking Dinner for my Parents

 When I was choosing a story to tell, cooking popped into my mind. This was because I had recently prepared a meal for my parents. 

The plot of my story is how I came to cook chicken marsala for the first time.  

What I learned from this unit was that there are different ways to tell your story to your classroom and to your friend when they aren't in class. This can be done by using literary techniques and vocabulary. Secondly, I learned that connecting with the audience in storytelling is important, but it can also be difficult. 

I enjoyed the storytelling project. The best part about the storytelling project was listening to other classmates' stories.

I learned that my classmates all have different stories to tell. I found it interesting to hear these stories because it reminded me that people have a lot of  character. 

I got to know myself better because I learned about how I tell a story. I notice that there were parts of my delivery that can be improved so I can better connect with an audience. 


  1. I totally relate to how you mentioned that there is this significance in who you tell a story to and how the story actually come out

  2. Connecting with an audience is certainly very difficult. I find it helps to distill the most impactful meanings from what your story is about.

    Example: Cooking

    Shared Experience with Family
    Learning / Improving on a skill
    Mishaps, accidents
    Good Tastes, Smells.

  3. I really relate to your story since I also love cooking, especially for people I care about.


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