Isabella Hartman: Being Convinced to Ride an Amusement Park Ride

When deciding what story to tell, I wanted to tell one that would be interesting, and that I could tell a million different times. I decided on a short story, more of a ten-minute period of time that I could stretch out and add details and dialogue to. My story is about how one of my best friends convinced me to ride on an amusement park ride that I was very hesitant to go on. It's about what I was thinking in that time period and why I ended up getting on the ride. 

By telling my story to my classmates, I was able to practice speaking from my memory and not worrying about making sure I was perfect. I also got to practice being comfortable with adding some humor and dramatic pauses into my speaking. I did enjoy the storytelling project because I was able to visit an old memory and practice speaking on the spot with limited preparation. 

When I listened to my classmate's stories I got to learn about either a large event in their life or a small event that changed them. It was really cool to hear one story about a large trip that went wrong, and another about a meal they cooked that didn't go as planned. Both were told so differently and it showed their personalities. In terms of myself, I think I learned that there are a lot more little things in my life that changed me than I thought. As I thought about it, I discovered some of them I would want to relive, and others I would do completely differently. 


  1. I learned the same thing about myself through this project too. There were some parts of my life that I saw as insignificant, but not to other people.

  2. I liked how you were able to translate a short period of time into a longer story. I feel like that is a cool idea.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I really like how you were able to tell the story from remembering something from your past

  5. I also liked practicing telling a story with little preparation.


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