Photo Journalism Essay by Maya Cole

Ella Cole reaches out to the shelf in her room with the intended goal of obtaining Anne of The Green Gables, It is Wednesday, October 28th and Ella plans on reading a chapter or two before drifting off to sleep. As someone who finds it hard to naturally fall into a sleep cycle Ella acknowledges with the addition to a little nightly reading her available energy the next morning is hugely expanded upon.

Sitting on the hard floor of her room and leaning against the white wall behind her Ella Cole on Wednesday night stares down the cover of the book she’s about to read. In the first few minutes after picking up the book, Ella takes in what she had previously remembered occurring in the past chapters before continuing onward.

Ella Cole sits amiably reading Anne of Green Gables on the wooden flooring of her bedroom for a late-night read.  Like a lot of readers, she had been reading this book off and on for a while but finally decided it was time to pick it up again when the front cover had caught her attention,  the glossy green and cream tones deemed appealing and moments later her eyes drew into the pages continuously.


  1. I enjoyed reading/looking at your photo essay about life in quarrantine.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It was cool how you were able to fit so much into just two sentences.

  4. I like the story the three photos tell together.

  5. I like the easy to follow story that you told!


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