Q&A With Leela Moreno

By Henry Reuland

Photo Credit by Leela Moreno

H: What have you been doing to pass the time?
L: I have been watching a lot of Netflix and Disney Plus, spending time outside, doing Constitution Team homework, reading, sleeping, and working out.

H: How have you been affected by the virus?
L: My life didn’t change too much other than the obvious not being able to go to school or go out. My parents are both doctors so they still go to work, so I still have a fragment of a routine.

H: What do you think about online learning?
L: I don’t mind online learning. It’s not the ideal way to learn, but I think it will get better over time. It’s hard to stay motivated and focussed.

H: What are you looking forward to doing when this is over?
L: I’m looking forward to traveling again. I’m also super excited to see my friends in person again.

H: What are some new skills you’ve learned during this time?
L:  I learned how to sew again. My grandma had taught me when I was younger, and I picked it up again over quarantine.

H: What’s the best movie/show you’ve watched?
L: Probably my favorite movie I’ve seen so far has been Captain America Civil War. I have been watching all the Marvel movies in order with my brother which has been super fun.


  1. My family all works from home, I should have them watch a movie series together


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