Q&A with Henry Reuland

By Leela Moreno

Photo Credit: Henry Reuland
What have you been doing to pass the time?
I have been playing golf, watching Netflix, sleeping and walking my dog a lot.
How have you been affected by the virus?
I have obviously had my normal change due to quarantine and I haven’t been able to see my friends or my grandparents who I miss immensely.
What do you think about online learning?
I think online learning will take some getting used too and is not as good as school in person, but I think once we get it down it will be fine for the circumstances.
What are you looking forward to doing when this is over?
I am looking forward to seeing my friends and grandparents and I am looking forward to playing soccer with my team again.
What are some new skills you’ve learned during this time?
 I have learned how to make origami rabbits and that’s about it.
What’s the best movie/show you’ve watched?
Tiger King was absolutely insane but amazing. 🐅


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