Q & A with Ava Rispler

By Tabitha Lee
Photo credit: Ava Rispler
What's the main thing you've been doing to pass the time in quarantine?
I have been watching a lot of Youtube/TV, trying to see my neighbor at least once a day to break it up and give me some socialization and spending time with my dog and family.
Have you found any new hobbies or interests over the past few weeks?
I have gotten into trying to fix up my old clothes because my mom made me go through my closet and doing a lot of online shopping which is a habit I would like to break. I also want to get into the hobby of making masks for medical workers but I can't find a sewing machine anywhere.
What's the biggest thing you miss about school?
Well, I miss the routine. I really miss having that schedule of waking up at a certain time, going to bed at a certain time, taking showers, having something to do from like 8-3 everyday etc. But I also miss my friends and classmates. Being home so much and doing all this work teachers assign by myself makes me really lonely.
Do you like being home with your family?
I love my family don't get me wrong but I'm kinda getting sick of them. Seeing them 24/7 is a lot for me and I need my alone time. I think it would be better if I could see more people not just my family which would not make me so sick of them.
What's the most recent show that you binged? 
 I have recently binged Tiger King. I also binge a lot of social media, like Instagram and TikTok, even though they are not shows.


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