Q&A with Audrey Steele

By: Hanna Grewe 
Photo Credit: Audrey Steele 

1. What initial emotions and thoughts arose for you when you heard school would be cancelled for the rest of the year?

When school was canceled for the rest the year I was really shocked because like I had to process that we had a pandemic going on so when our school was canceled there was a shock factor. I knew they were doing the right thing and I was sad and I was really happy. I was sad because I would go to my friends and like I was waiting to do some more assignments I haven’t completed for teachers and stuff like that. I knew it would be a lot harder to access classroom but I am mostly happy because there is no school.

2. What new hobbies have you picked up since we were let out of school? If you haven’t picked up any new hobbies, what have you been doing to buy the time?

Since I was out of school I am I learning new instruments like the base. I’ve done a lot more reading than I usually would have and I also have started Japanese, and I’m doing more Spanish work outside of school.

3. How have you felt towards online school so far?

I have a love-hate relationship with online school. We have less homework which I love, but it’s harder to connect with classmates and teachers. And I have lost a lot of motivation.

4. How has it been creating a routine and schedule for yourself since the start of online school?

Well I’ve tried to but it’s really hard to stick to a routine and make plans but then I don’t have enough motivation to finish them. I always tell myself I have all this time to do it I can do tomorrow.

5. What are you looking forward to once all of this is over?

This whole time I have been social distancing with my friends so I haven’t gotten to see anyone since March 23rd so I’m really looking forward to seeing my friends and hanging out with people.

6. So far, what do you think has been your favorite TV show/movie to watch?

OK, I’m really into watching a lot of Batman shows for some reason and I’ve been watching RuPaul’s drag race show. Those are my top two, or Criminal Mind, I can’t really decide but those are my top three.


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