Q & A with Alexander Rozas

Photo Credit: Alexander Rozas
By Lulu Kashiwabara

1. Q: What have you been doing to pass the time?

A: To pass the time I've been playing a good amount of video games, exercising, going on walks with my dad, reading, messing around on my computer, and passing the ball around with one of my friends.

2. Q: How have you been affected by the virus?

A: I have not personally been affected by the virus and none of my immediate family has gotten it. Although, one of my mother's close friends from childhood father has died from the virus.

3. Q: What do you think about online learning?

A: I enjoy the reduced amount of work during online learning, but I do miss seeing some of my friends. I do enjoy being able to go outside the same day during school besides soccer practice.

4. Q: Is there anything positive that has come out of this situation for you?

A: One thing that has been positive about this situation is that I'm getting more sleep, I have more time to read, and I'm exercising more.

5. Q: Have you learned anything new since being in quarantine?

A: I learned that Trader Joes signs contracts with food companies that allows them to de-brand them when they put the food onto their shelves and that inside-out's menu has stayed relatively the same since it first was founded.


  1. Awesome to see your staying active!

  2. It's nice to hear that you're getting more sleep than you would otherwise


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