Q & A with Ainsley Webb

By Skylar DeBose

Have you developed any new hobbies during this time?
Yes, I have learned how to play guitar and skateboard, as well as painting. 
Do you enjoy quarantine? 
Yes I do enjoy quarantine because I get to hang out with my family more and I can do new hobbies that I couldn't do before.
How do you feel about school being cancelled for the rest of the year?
I'm kind of sad that school is cancelled for the rest of the year because I won't be able to see my friends, and it is also kind of stressful to deal with online school. 
How was the corona virus/quarantine changed you in any ways?
The corona virus/quarantine made me reflect on myself more since we have a lot of time alone. 
What are looking forward to doing when this is over?
I'm looking forward to getting to see my friends and be able to do fun things again. 
What's the best movie/tv show you've watched?
The best tv show I watched was Rick and Morty and the best movie was Parasite. 

Photo Credit: Ainsley Webb


  1. It's cool how much new stuff you have learned to do.


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