Q and A with Tabitha Lee

By: Ava Rispler
Photo Credit: Tabitha Lee

Do you prefer in person classes or online classes?

I prefer in person classes for sure, because going to school everyday separates home and school and gives structure to my day and I also get to see my friends.

What are your hopes getting out of quarantine?

One thing I want to learn how to do is be able to entertain myself without screens for at least an afternoon, since that’s the one thing I’ve been doing most of the time to keep myself occupied.

How are you passing the time?

I'm passing the time by going on walks with my mom, learning how to drive, and facetiming friends.

How has quarantine affected you?

The main reason quarantine has affected me is by making me a lot more bored and lonely.

When do you think we will go back to normal life?

Hopefully we’ll be back to normal by the middle of the summer or at least by the start of the next school year.

What has life been like not being able to see your friends and classmates everyday?

It’s definitely a big change not being able to see everyone every day. It feels like summer in that way, but on house arrest.


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