Storytelling - Soccer Tournament

By Skylar DeBose

       For my story telling project I decided to write about my first travel tournament for soccer. During President's Day Weekend of 2019 my club team and I went to Phoenix, Arizona for a soccer tournament. That weekend we lost all of four of our games, and we didn't score a single goal. Even though it was a terrible feeling at the moment, losing that tournament only made us work harder which led to so much success for my team and I.
        I decided to tell this story because during that "disaster weekend" I learned one of the biggest lessons in my entire life. It's been just over a year since that weekend, and I've only continued to grow. In May of 2019 my team won State Cup, and we later went to USYS National Championship Series in Boise, Idaho. A couple weeks ago my team and I went to Phoenix to play in the exact same President's Day Tournament, and ended up going undefeated and winning the tournament.
        Public speaking is not something I enjoy doing, so when we were told that we would be telling a story in front of the whole class I was not excited. Although, it ended up being a good experience and I became more comfortable with public speaking. Not only did I grow personally, but I also got to learn more about my classmates, which helped us build stronger connections as a community.


  1. Go off Skylar. 99 defending. Sounds like a great story.

  2. YES SKYLAR!!!! awesome story!


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