Storytelling Reflection

By Carver Dickson

My story was about the time I cut myself at summer camp with they boy scouts.

I was going for the wilderness survival merit badge and was on the last requirement. We had to stay a night in the woods with a shelter we built ourselves. I was all set because I had brought a hammock and that counted as a shelter.

Later that night at around 2 am the wind picked up and I started to get cold. I reached down into my bag and fumbled around for my pocket knife to open the bag that held the space blanket I had brought. Being tired and cold I kinda just stopped at the bag to get the hole started. While tearing the bag open I noticed something red in the moonlight, so I turned on the light that was hanging above me to see that I had sliced through the upper part of my thumb.

It was not a deep wound, and luckily it was a clean cut. I then proceeded to take out my first aid kit so I could bandage up my wound once it stopped bleeding. But it didn’t stop bleeding after I had held it above my head and put pressure on it, this was bad. I then went to the counselors and had one of them walk back to camp with me to the med lodge where they correctly addressed my wounds.

I decided to choose this story because while thinking of what to write I happened to look at the scar on my thumb and remembered the story. It is a good story and I have always found it fun to tell. It was also really easy to remember most of the details since it only happened a year ago.

I felt like the experience of telling my story to peers was definitely positive. It was a good way for me to meet my new classmates and get to know them. In the meantime I also got to reflect on myself and explore a new skill that I didn’t know I had.


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