Story Telling- Sail Boat Accidents

By Janie Phillips

I told my story about the time a motor on a sailboat fell off while we were sailing. I told this story because I think it's a good example of something that wasn't so fun in the moment but really funny looking back on it.

Telling a story without notes was something I had never done before. I was nervous that I was going to forget parts of my story or not emphasize the things I wanted to. In the end though, I actually really enjoyed it. Not having notes made it feel a lot more conversational. Because it felt more like a conversation and less like a formal presentation, I wasn't as stressed while presenting.
I learned about myself that I have a much better memory than I thought I did. I was really worried I would forget details I wanted to include or some explanations of certain parts of my story, but when I presented my story I didn't forget anything. I think because the story telling felt less stressful than a normal presentation, my mind was less fogged and I remembered all the details. In the future with other presentations trying to be calm could really help me.

This project definitely brought our class together. A lot of kids in our class I only talk to in a school setting so it was interesting to get a small glimpse into how they are outside of school and the different stories they like to tell.


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