Podcast Review: Pitstop Music, Fashion in the rap industry

Skylar DeBose

      I listened to episode 7 by Archie Barnes, Anselmo Iturri, and Gabe Rosenfield where they talked about fashion in the rap industry.
      I liked how they started off the podcast with a fun fact, song recommendation and word of the day and then got into what they would be talking about in the podcast. I thought that this was a unique way to get the audience engaged. I felt that the podcast was professional, you heard all of their opinions but there also wasn't too much going on at once, each person stepped in to say what they had to say at the right time.
      I learned that the style of many rap artists today is inspired by Soul Train in the 70's. I realized that many artists express themselves and make statements through fashion. Listening and reflecting on a podcast made by students inspires me to make a podcast myself.



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