Podcast review: Pitstop Music

By Tabitha Lee

I listened to Pit Stop Music's Ten Worst Bands of All Time podcast, by Archie Barnes and Gabe Rosenfield. There were several things I liked about this podcast. First of all, in the beginning of the podcast, I liked the introductory music that played when you first started the podcast. I also really enjoyed the facts about lasagna. They were unexpected but enjoyable. 

The one main thing that I didn't like was even though the music at the beginning and end of the podcast was cool, I feel like it went on a little long in the beginning when I just wanted to hear the podcast. 

The main takeaway I had from this was that it seemed like they had fun. making a podcast seems like a fun way to educate someone without them having to read, which for a lot of people is tedious and takes more work than they'd like. I like how you can really express yourself through your voice while making a podcast. 


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