Podcast review: Lincoln Underground

By Bailey Armstrong
photo by Fretta Craven

While listening to Lincoln Underground: Unique Hobbies of Students and Staff, produced by Sydney Ward, Amelia Thorpe, and Claire Yoo, I learned multiple pieces of information that I can apply to our next unit. The first thing that I learned was the importance of who you are talking to and how many people are you are talking to. Due to the fact that we can't see them, it is important that we don't have too many people talking. This podcast did well in having the right number of people and making sure that we can distinguish between them.

The next thing I learned was the importance of having a quiet background and a good microphone. All of this is key when it comes to having a podcast that is audible and enjoyable.

Finally, I learned that it is important to have a topic that is interesting to the people who are going to listen to. This podcast did very well in doing so, by finding a topic that is best learned about in a podcast. It is also interesting because we get to hear from people that one does not get to hear about often.


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