Podcast Review: Pit Stop Music Episode 7: Fashion in the rap industry

By: Leeza Burke 

I listened to Pit Stop Music Episode 7: Fashion in the Rap Industry by Archie Barnes, Gabe Rosenfield, and Anselmo Iturri. This episode talked about how fashion and rap culture collaborate in today's society. Archie and Gabe went on to talk about the influence rappers and their fashion have on everyone, including the students at Lincoln.

I believe it was very engaging to listen to; the hosts knew how to comfort the listeners and had a lot of insight to put into the Podcast. I thought it was especially interesting because I'm interested in rap and fashion as well. I know many students at Lincoln are interested in modern fashion and the rap industry, so it was a great topic to cover overall. They seemed very interested in what they were talking about and I enjoyed hearing their insights. The only thing I would say was awkward was the introduction and conclusion of it all. Besides that, it's a fantastic podcast! 

After listening to this podcast, I learned about how other students at Lincoln view current fashion trends set from popular creators in the rap industry. I thought of the topic a lot more, and I was inspired to learn more on my own time about it. It was fun to listen to, and I believe you could add a lot more to the idea! You can talk more about popular influencers and what they have been wearing recently, what role wealth plays into it, or how it affects students directly at Lincoln in more depth. I loved the structure and content. 


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