Podcast Review: Lincoln Underground: Unique Hobbies of Students and Staff

By Eirini Schoinas

Photo Courtesy of Fretta Craven's Photography
I listened to Lincoln Underground: Unique hobbies of students and staff a podcast by Sydney Ward, Amelia Thorpe and Claire Yoo. They interviewed a number of Lincoln staff members and students about unique and interesting hobbies that they had. They talked about lesser known hobbies that are still a part of the Lincoln community.

I really enjoyed how personal the entire podcast was. The interviewers explored the communities hobbies, but also gave us a glimpse into their lives. It was engaging, because of how different each person was. They all shared a piece of themselves. The people interviewed seemed relaxed and comfortable, which made them willing to share their experiences. Ultimately, I really liked the podcast, because of how interesting these unique hobbies really are.

After I listening to the podcast, I learned about hobbies that I hadn't realized were even a part of the Lincoln community. I realized how diverse how school is, when it comes to personalities and activities. The podcast made me think about how much more there is to Lincoln, more than what meets the eye. We have such an interesting community, who all take part in a variety on activities, and who have many different interests.


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