StoryCorps Interview- Todd Grewe


By: Hanna Grewe

Over Thanksgiving break I chose to interview my dad, Todd Grewe. When I was first assigned this project and was told to interview someone I thought had stories to tell, I immediately thought of my dad. Throughout my life my dad has told me scary, adventurous, lonely, goofy and heartbreaking stories that he personally has experienced from around the world. Which is why I wanted to do the best I could to capture his story for my interview.

Throughout the interview, I was personally surprised by how relaxed and flowing the conversation was. Multiple times I even forgot that I was actually doing an interview. My dad made me laugh, and also made me serious as he overlapped the stories and memories from his past and childhood. I was surprised by how loose the interview was and how much I enjoyed just talking with my dad about his life and history, even though it was being recorded.

Throughout the interview, I learned overall about how not all interviews need to be as uptight and strict as I otherwise thought. I enjoyed how relaxed I was and I think even my dad was surprised by how fun it was to just have a conversation and call it an interview. What I learned about my dad throughout this interview was generally his perspective on life. He was asked multiple times about life mottos that he personally follows and about lessons he’s learned that he wanted to pass down to me. I really enjoyed this process and I loved the simplicity of an interview through conversation.


  1. It sounds like your interview sparked a good conversation between you and your dad!

  2. It is cool that you didn't even feel like you were in an interview!


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