Profile: Lisa Klein-Wolf

By Skylar DeBose

To some, a teacher is just an occupation. But others feel that being a teacher is much more than that. Lisa Klein-Wolf is one of those people.

Mrs. Klein-Wolf is a math and FLI teacher and is the coordinator of activities here at Lincoln. This 2019-2020 school year will count as Mrs. Klein-Wolf’s fourth year.

“Lincoln High School is definitely the best school I’ve taught at in my teaching career. It’s the students that make Lincoln so special. Each year I’ve noticed how lots of students here are so passionate about making the world a better place, and the steps they take to do so,” said Klein-Wolf.

Klein-Wolf loves her job, and her students are the reason why.

“I love each and every one of my students as if they were a child of my own,” Klein-Wolf said. “Just like my own kids, I watch my students grow and become successful in their own way,” she added with a smile.

Being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs out there.

“I love being a teacher, but it's nowhere near easy. Especially nowadays, there’s so much you have to constantly worry about. And because of the type of person I am, I always care for others. When I have 100+ students that I care for, and a family of my own, it gets hard to focus on myself, and that can cause a lot of stress. Usually I cope with my stress by going on long car rides. I love to drive,” says Klein-Wolf.

Even the things we love can have flaws.

“I love Lincoln, but it’s very overcrowded, including my classroom. I spend most of my time in room 71D, it’s a tiny room meant for about 15 kids in the basement of Lincoln High School. My largest class size is 31 kids, and it gets really cramped in there… Let’s hope that I’m upgraded to a better classroom in Lincoln's new building,” replied Klein-Wolf.

Every year, Klein-Wolf learns something new that makes her a better teacher.

“As I grew as a teacher I realized that each of my students are unique, therefore each student learns and becomes successful in their own way,” Klein-Wolf said, “and to learn how each student becomes successful, you have to communicate and get to know everyone personally,” she explained.

Klein-Wolf absolutely loves to teach, and even says it is one of the best decisions she has made in her entire life. She says that her life wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for her job and the students that fill it with joy. Klein-Wolf strives to make a difference in each of her students’ lives.


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