StoryCorps Interview: Kevin Joshi

Interview with Dad

By: Ben Joshi

For the StoryCorps Interview, I chose to talk to my Dad. I chose to interview my Dad because he is someone that I've been pretty close too throughout my life. I also chose to interview my Dad, because I know that he has a lot of insight on what it takes to be successful, especially in the business field.

Due to the fact we were in the car there was a little bit of background noise in the interview, but other than that, the interview itself ran pretty smoothly. The app was easy to use, and made the overall interview process easier. Having the questions present and already on the app helped make the interview progress.

From the StoryCorps assignment, I believe I have learned a few valuable tips and tricks to use when interviewing somebody. Overall, the biggest take away that I had from this activity was learning how to make an interview run smoothly, and how to make it seem less unnatural.


  1. Sounds like everything went well, but the paragraphs feel rushed


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