StoryCorp Interview Reflection

Skylar DeBose
Story Corps Interview with my Aunt

On November 30th, 2019 I interviewed my aunt for my StoryCorps interview. My aunt lives in Chicago, so this Thanksgiving was the first time I saw her in five years. Even though I hadn’t seen her for awhile, it was easy for us to make a good time out of her visit.

During that weekend I connected with my aunt more than I ever have, and the StoryCorps interview added more to her visit. The interview was really successful. Although we stayed focus it was also enjoyable and a great bonding experience.

I learned a lot about my aunt’s childhood, and how important family is to her. She told stories on how she grew up and the values she was raised on. I learned that her parents are the people she has always looked up to, and looks up to the most. I found the StoryCorps project important, and something that everyone should contribute to. By interviewing someone you create a stronger bond with them, and can even develop a bond that you never had before.


  1. It seems like a really good interview. I think it's cool that you interviewed her after not seeing her in multiple years.

  2. It's nice to hear that you used this to get to know a family member that is not you own


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