Story Corps Interview: Julie Haddon

By Kate Haddon

For the StoryCorps Thanksgiving listen interview I decided to interview Julie Haddon. Julie is my mom who although I did not spend Thanksgiving with her this year, I have many years in the past. I wanted to interview someone not only related to me but also significantly older than me so I could learn about their experiences over time.

Overall the interview went very well. The app was easy to use and provided a lot of deep and insightful questions that were on the topic of giving thanks and looking back on fond memories. My subject, although cooperative, could have given more of an answer for each question and gone into deeper detail in her responses. It was not hard to focus, but hard to get more of an answer that satisfied all aspects of the question.

I learned a lot in this interview not only about my mom, but also about the process of interviewing someone, especially when it comes to more emotional topics. I learned who was kindest to my mom growing up and about her grandparents, who she has not talked about much in the past. Similarly I learned more about her experiences growing up and what she thought her future would be like. Additionally this interview gave me more experience interviewing others, and taught me how to interact with deep questions.


  1. It sounds like you had a really good time!


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