
 By Zoe Scogna

I drew a comic about procrastination because it seemed fitting with finals coming up. Everyone procrastinates, wethear it be homework, chores, cutting junk food (me),  or exercise. As I only interviewed students, homework was the main thing people talked about avoided.

I interviewed Anika RajBhandary and Jessica Grossi, both freshmen, and Kayla Scogna who's a sophomore. My comic illustrated the common theme of their stories combined. Scogna mentioned that she always tells herself she'll get work done but never does. Grossi said that she likes to watch TV instead. RajBhandary stated that she prefers to sleep over the weekend then do homework. All of them noted that they had to stay up late to finish.

Graphic journalism is really different than writing, because its a form of visual story telling. I really enjoy it because I can tell a story through pictures. It's fun because I can incorporate some humor into it, not to mention my fabulous artistic skills.


  1. Detail the interview a bit more. The comic is great


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