Profile: Ryan Wei

Europe is place where many Lincoln high school students travel during the summer. Whether for vacation for visiting family it is always a very popular place to travel. Last summer Ryan Wei was no exception.

Wei’s trip to Europe this summer was full of good food, museum tours, and the overall fun of travel that he will not soon forget.

“Overall it was a pretty nice, I got to see a lot of good landmarks. And got to go on lots of road trips, ” said Wei. This trip was one where he got to do a lot of different things on this trip that he may not be able to do in other countries people could go on vacation.

“Types of food” and various cultures were things that Wei enjoyed while in europe. There were “some very good chefs,” said Wei. This was one reason that he enjoyed the food a lot.

Wei said he pasta, and pizza were very good in italy because of the fact that these chefs are professionals at making these things whereas the chefs in America know how to cook a lot of things so they might not be as good quality.

The chefs that were the best usually cooked at the more expensive restaurants which Wei went to a lot. He got some weird meals like “very good pigeon.” Wei said “long tours, museum tours, and boat tours”. were a staple of the places he went to. He said f it had not been for those things he would not have enjoyed the trips as much.

Getting from city to city or even country to country in Europe on an airplane can be somewhat expensive so when Wei needed to travel between cities, his family rented a car.

In most European countries the borders are not as secure with some even just being a pedestrian bridge or a sign. This meant that traveling by car is very easy because people can drive from city to city and country to country without the hassle of passports and borders.


  1. I like the way everything was described, very interesting. Well done.


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