Profile: Bella Lo

                                              Annika Wang

A talented artist continues her passion in music.

Although Bella Lo has a life goal of getting into a good college as well as getting a good job, music has and forever will be part of who she is. Lo, almost 16 years old, started off playing the piano from a young age. Over the course of the years, she has gained more interest and passion in music to also learn both the drums and the acoustic guitar.

“I always liked watching bands, and seeing the drummers, and I just think it’s kind of fascinating. And I like beats, and rhythms, and patterns like that,” says Lo, “and I just wanted to learn it because I thought it would be cool, and just wanted to learn a bunch of instruments.”

As much as she loves all three instruments, Lo has a favorite. “I would have to say piano, just because it’s been so long, and it’s the most serious instrument. But then, I guess the one I find really fun to play is the drums.”

With Lo’s busy schedule, she tries her best to find time to keep up with all three instruments by using the spare time she has.

“Piano is the most important, drums and guitar are just for fun. So piano I have to practice everyday, and ideally I have to practice an hour a day, but that’s pretty hard with school. Maybe on the weekends I’ll find time to play the drums or the guitar. I am trying right now to try and get into it. The summer time is really the best time.”

Aside from Lo’s passion for practicing all three instruments, the thought of writing her own piece of music hasn’t been something she’s taken into full consideration.

“Yeah. Not an actual piece, but more just chords. So I think that’s easier, just cause you can find different chord progressions, and just whatever sounds cool. From playing a bunch, I have found a chords that I like so I’ll just play them and make up my own little tune, but wouldn’t be an actual song,” Lo said.

Although she must keep practicing to keep up with her immense skills, there are times where playing has simply been something to turn to when her days are troubling her. No matter when, or how old she is, she will forever know how to brighten her day.

“Most of the times, I just have to play it to practice, because I don’t have a lot of free time. But when I do have free time and I play it, it’s mostly for fun and relaxing. And sometimes I’ll play it when I’m sad, and it just, calms me down.”


  1. Great Job! I like how you included everything she played and how she felt about each one.

  2. I really liked the description. Awesome.

  3. Super well written, good word choice and it's very informative. Good job, Annika!


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