Profile: Ashlin Tomsen

Photo Courtesy Of Ashlin Tomsen
By Jade Hall

Sophomore Ashlin Tomsen is part of the trend that is balancing time between consuming sports and demanding academics.

An environment bursting with energy and passion can seem overwhelming for some but Ashlin Tomsen makes it look easy. “ I’m on lincoln girls varsity soccer team” she said with enthusiasm.

Lincoln high school is held on a pedestal for having some outstanding and new academic programs. Ashlin said that she has” learned to balance her academics and varsity sport and now it comes easily”.

Tomsen lets us in on some tips and tricks for balancing academics and sports. “ Time management is everything,” she says, adding, “education is more important than soccer”.

Growing up Tomsen said “my dad first introduced me to soccer” she also stated “her relationship with soccer and her family really impacted here love for the sport”.

Loving a sport that is equally demanding as academics but having a good support system is important. “ My coaches believe that school comes first and if i have things that need to get done they are open to letting me skip a practice” says Ashlin.

A worry that most students at lincoln might carry, is the idea of not having enough time in there busy day or not having enough support through their academic career. Tomsen says she “ doesn't want a career in soccer “ but it still seems to be a priority for her.

As its important for students to have a way to release built up energy from the day to day of sitting in chairs with max concentration at all times.

When Tomsen was asked if there was in anyone she was thankful for she said “the upperclassmen for giving her key advice that helped her alot through last year” she also shared “i don’t think i could have gotten through last year without the support from coaches and my team”.

Balancing academics and demanding sports can be hard but Ashlin proves that it isn't impossible to achieve. Anyone can do it if they just take the time to “time manage” and to remove yourself when you really do need it. Having a good support system is one of the best ways to balance your time effectively and in her final remarks she said “ staying focused and having motivation will be the decider of your success in high school because it’s a tough place”.


  1. I really like your writing! It flowed nicely, and it described the person Ashlin is.


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