FiveThirtyEight Politics Podcast

By Evan Reynolds

For my podcast, I listened to the FiveThirtyEight Politics Podcast. is a statistical website dealing with important issues of the day (mostly politics). It uses precedent and math to speculate as to the goings-on of the world. As someone who’s interested in politics, it’s quite interesting for me to see people debate this in an entirely different way than I’m used to- facts and numbers aren't something I typically associate with this kind of topic.
The topic they were discussing was Cambridge Analytica, the firm associated with the Trump campaign that mined data from millions of Facebook users. They discussed how the issue presents a larger puzzle: will companies like this attempt to use social media to target a specific voter group's interest in the future? One can easily imagine a system in the future in which elections are determined by who can access the most private data. For anyone who is active on social media, this podcast is useful as a cautionary tale.
attribution: Wikimedia Commons


  1. This was very thoughtful and makes me wonder about the "larger puzzle" you presented! It sounds like an interesting podcast.

  2. Wow this sounds like a cool podcast and your article made me want to listen to it


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