PDX Media Day Notes

Elizabeth Merenda                                                                                                         Period 1

Mrs. Rechner

Mass Communications

PDX Media Day Notes

Session 1) Social Media and Journalism
This presentation was illustrating how important social media is for journalists. Social media has become a new platform for finding stories and sources. If used properly, journalists can use social media as a very useful tool to explore more options and possibly find stories they would not have otherwise found.

Session 2) Civil Rights
Before this session I did not realize that Street Roots is one of many newspapers that are given to homeless people to sell. I had always thought Street Roots was unique in how they sold their articles. Street Roots is trying to help those who are oppressed by giving them a platform to tell their stories. Street Roots give these people a voice to share their experiences that have been unjust.

Session 3) White Stag
A little under thirty of us went on the roof of the building and did not learn any information of the building, but we were able to see the Portland sign with the reindeer. It was a lot of fun being able to see the skyline of Portland from a different viewpoint. During this trip to the roof I met a lot of new people who were telling me about their school’s journalism and media programs.

Session 4) LGBTQ Rights in Journalism
This session had a very personable presenter who discussed how people in the LGBTQ+ community should not be mentioned in papers because of their sexual orientation but for who they are. The presenter had an interesting perspective because she had previously been an adviser for a high school newspaper. She has a lot of experience and shared several stories that displayed how important it is to fact check and make sure the person sharing their story for the article is comfortable with having many people read it.

Session 5) Future of Journalism

I enjoyed how interactive this session was. The presenter did not lecture, but instead had people go into groups and figure out how a newspaper could evolve. It was an interesting take on how to think about journalism in terms of it changing to accommodate for new technology, etc. Also the man who presented had everyone in the crowd share their favorite songs and we listened to them during the activity. It seemed as though he really thought about how to make the session personable and make it a fun activity where people wanted to participate.


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