Thoughts on PDX Media Day

By Ainsley Vondeling

Illustration credit: Wikimedia Commons, Newspaper_Cover.svg: Source works and User:Tkgd2007

Utilizing Social Media- with Carly Langdon
This workshop mostly explained what PR was compared to advertising, telling us how PR is storytelling to bring a brand or product to the audience. We learned how having a target audience is important so that your communication plan is clear and effective. A communication plan is built on communicating an idea, building the plan through statistics, tactics, and strategy. We also talked about how social media can be used to engage with your audience, looking at the ways that different companies utilize social media. 

A Fresh Look at Social Justice Issues- with Joanne Zuhl, Emily Green, and Monica Kwasnik
I really enjoyed this workshop, the speakers all worked at Street Roots and held different positions there. We talked a lot about the ways that Street Roots helps the community, as well as the different ways the writers use sources to write stories. The most important thing I learned about writing about social justice issues is being honest and relatable, approaching the readers with topics that apply to them.

How to Create Great, Effective Advertising- with Tom McDonnell
In this workshop we learned about different ways companies use advertising, and more specifically how advertising agencies come up with their ideas. The speaker taught us how advertising is a single idea, and how it should be the best and most compelling idea you come up with. We also discussed how the idea should be presented in an entertaining way, creating our own advertisements for a well known lodging company. 

Design Doesn’t Fall From the Sky- with Michelle Balmeo
In this workshop we learned how to come up with design ideas from our everyday surroundings, and how to analyze and appreciate design. The workshop focused mainly on yearbook, and how to apply design effectively into your yearbook. This idea revolved mainly around effective layout and color palettes. 

TV New: A Changing Business- with Christine Pitawanich
During this workshop we focused on the ways that news reporting has changed over the past few years, and how reporting is more than just telling a story. We learned about the full day of a TV news reporter, and what to expect in this career field. This included long hours and some frustration, but rewarding effects on the community. I really enjoyed learning about this career, and Christine was incredibly helpful in answering all of our questions. 


  1. Your writing about each of the sessions sounds professional, and it looks like you checked out some really cool sessions!


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