PDX Media Day

Photo Credit - Wikimedia Commons, George Fox Evangelical Seminary

PDX Media Day - Hudson Longaker

Session 1: Utilizing Social Media (Carly Langdon)
I felt like this presentation could have had more interesting details and information. In the beginning, she talked a little bit about PR but didn’t explain it enough that I understood it. She also talked about a lot of past things in social media people don't use anymore, if she would have used more future/present tactics it may have been more interesting.

Session 2: A Fresh Look at Social Justice Issues (Joanne Zuhl, Emily Green, Monica Kwasnik - Street Roots)
I thought this was a pretty interesting presentation. They showed a good video telling the story of one of their workers in the community. In the video she says that she just wants to be heard, she was not a drug addict, she just had some unfortunate events that led to homelessness. They also talked about good ways to find interesting stories, using some of their interesting stories as examples.

Session 3: How to Create Great, Effective Advertising (Tom McDonnell - SOJC)
This was my favorite of the sessions, as it was the most interactive sessions. We got to watch good commercials, and make our own ad/poster for AirBnB and this got me very interested in the advertising business as a profession.

Session 4: Design Doesn’t Fall From the Sky (Michelle Balmeo)
I thought this presentation was pretty interesting. I chose it since I am pretty interested in Design. We learned about different layouts, color contrast, pictures and illustrations, and how to make it easy to follow as well as compelling.

Session 5: TV News: A Changing Business (Christine Pitawanich KGW)
I thought this was a very interesting presentation. She showed videos about her daily life, what she experiences, what it's like, her job and how she built up to her career, and some of the exciting events she has done. I found this really interesting because these are the people we see every day on TV, she also used videos of other cool events she has covered.


  1. I went to many of those workshops as well and really enjoyed my time at the PDX Media Day!


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