PDX Media Day

By Mei Xu
Photo Credit: Wikimedia, User:Portage
Transgender 101:
With Bethany Grace Howe
Around ⅔ of people who transition still have the same sexuality
Teaches her 7 year old daughter about her transition, they’ve bonded together and kept a strong relationship
Thinks it’s important to be open about being transgender because with more people who are curious but have unanswered questions, it just makes transgender people feel more in the dark/isolated
Breaking Cool Stories By Connecting the Dots Between People and Documents:
With Dan Tilkin
In search of the 4th Husband of Cylvia Hayes
Used private as well as public records to access family, residential and work information
Okanogan house: middle of nowhere, family members said there was a rumor she was growing marijuana in the house, but no one wanted to be on the record, so he had to make dozens more phone calls and confirm the rumor was a fact
Found sources who really wanted to be on TV: possibly unreliable
Sent Cylvia an email to PR that they were going to release the article, computer problems and eventually got scooped on his own story
Storytelling as Strategy:
Led by Donna Davis with panel of Natalie Bennon, Brenda Buratti, Lucila Cejas
Input process: going down the spiral of the internet rabbit hole, lots of research, Process: mix of brain and hearts, Output process: presentation (visually or not)
Considering audiences is a really important aspect: who are you trying to reach?
Lots of organizations and bigger companies use demographics, statistics about audiences, polling, research firms to find out their customers
Considering College: 
Advertising, Journalism, Media Studies, PR
UO offers lots of traveling abroad opportunities, as well as in developing countries where there is a lot more hands on work
Admission: look at academic coursework, grades, standardized tests, senior year course load, motivation, extracurriculars, ability to enhance diversity, academic potential
TV News: A Changing Business:
With Christine Pitawanich
Does her own recording, live broadcasts, interviews, one woman show
210 media markets, small markets, medium markets, large markers, Starting market job salary: 19k-26k
Deadlines, no “real” hours of work, weird hours and be prepared to work on holidays
Front lines of history, finished product at the end of every day
People connect to other people, interesting to read about people and hear what is going on, lots of emotion


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