A Day in the Life of Ava Jules

Photo credit, Wikimedia Commons, Sunset Beach, Oahu Hawaii, By: Bayshoremods

By: Sammie Howard 

This fun vlog by Ava Jules takes you along with her during her beach day with her friend. The introduction for this video is a montage. Ava goes from a quick intro to her talking, and then to a group of clips that go along to music with a calming yet fun beat.

It's no question why Jules has 214,000 subscribers. Her channel, called Ava Jules, is filled with videos that make you feel happy due to her bright smile and large, vibrant personality. This video in particular makes me feel calm with the Hawaii views and awesome music that sounds to me like Hawaiian music.

In just 5 minutes it is filled with laughs and beautiful views. You take in a day of another person's life. It's a video that just makes you smile and giggle. Her other videos are good too.


  1. it is very calming and fun to watch. it makes me feel like Hawaii is a piece of heaven. thanks for sharing.

  2. this sounds like such a good video! I love the way you described everything

  3. enjoyable video with a happy and vibrant mood. This also gives good insight on this aspiring youtuber

  4. Beautiful photo of Oahu Hawaii


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