
Showing posts from June, 2018

Profile: Emilie Kono and Kelly Ryu

Guest post by rising sophomore Sandra Thein, photos courtesy of Kelly Ryu and Emilie Kono I love those college YouTube videos: “2018 COLLEGE DECISION REACTIONS - IVY LEAGUE AND MORE!” The enthusiasm and gratitude the applicants radiate upon hearing where they will be spending the next four years of their lives is inspiring and motivating for a high school student like me.  I'm also inspired by students closer to home. Graduating senior Emilie Kono is a student athlete with a love for science and music. "Bo th in and outside of school," says Kono, "my family, friends, coaches, teachers and mentors have all been incredibly supportive in pushing me to reach my full potential; I can’t thank them enough! I knew that I wanted to be at an academically high achieving school and Stanford was an excellent choice. Between the incredible professors, facilities and some of the brightest students in the nation, I knew that I would be lucky to join them.” The only ...

What do you do in Mass Communications?

By Archie (photo by Cole) Video: It was a lot of work to make this video, even with the extra days that I came in to work on it. If I could do this again I would make sure that the recording sound was better. While I was editing this, I realized that a lot of the clip audio was a little off. Editing was pretty easy since I'm used to it, I just didn't have as much fun recording all the voiceovers etc. I liked the freedom that I was given for this video since I feel like I could properly apply myself, but if I was to do this again, I'd prefer more time and to be able to work on it at home. 

Take Mass Communications!

Who: Calder, Ainsley, and Hudson, Mass Communications students What: A presentation about the Mass Communications class, with video footage and illustrations Where: Lincoln High School Why: In order to increase awareness of the Mass Communications class and promote taking it. How: Calder drew several illustrations for the video, while Ainsley and Hudson filmed and edited it.


By Evan, Teal, Madison, Lena, Darina, Sammie Instagram: IGoToLincoln Our group created both a video and an Instagram account to simultaneously showcase the diversity at Lincoln and allow students at Lincoln to get to know their peers better. The result is a multimedia campaign implementing social media, audio clips, and video clips: #IGoToLincoln. For the social media aspect of the campaign, we observed different students roaming Lincoln's halls and asked them casual questions - "How was your day?" "What did you eat for breakfast?" etc. in an attempt to get their diverse personalities and experiences across without making them feel interrogated by deep, intimate personal questions. Pictures of each person were taken and the audio clips were transcribed into quotes to paste into each Instagram post; this formatting style was based off of "Humans of New York" which we'd like to believe has a s...


By Ama, Lizzy and Mei Video: Instagram: wearelincoln Our group created a video and an Instagram account to magnify the awareness of student diversity at Lincoln and to promote what LHS and their students have to offer. It also gives an insight on single stories that are short but powerful. To prepare, we had to discuss as a group on what we would be doing to portray these messages. We decided that making an Instagram account would be a good strategy for reaching out to young people because the platform is popular. The next strategy that we used to communicate to our community was by making a video. To prepare, we had to make a script of what we would be asking individuals and how these questions would display the diversity in the Lincoln community. At the end of the video and the Instagram posts, we include our #WeAreLincoln. This media campaign gives students and adults inside or outside of the school a new perspective about what L...

Forecast for Mass Communications

By Bella, Ella and Cole This video was made to inform incoming Mass Communications students and those interested in taking the class about what students do in Mass Communications. Those who are considering forecasting for Mass Communications in the coming years can watch this video and learn about the types of articles students write, as well as the opportunities they will have to publish their work and get it out into the community. Current students were interviewed about what they liked doing most in Mass Communications and about what important skills they gained. Many will be returning in their next year of high school to the Advanced Communications class. They will have more opportunities to publish articles in the print version of The Cardinal Times and take up leadership positions on The Cardinal Times staff. In the video, Ms. Rechner, Communications teacher, also spoke to any students who want to take the class. She highligh...