Media Day

Photo by: Mary Rechner

Bella Stutz-Lazzara
March 13, 2019

Last Friday at Media Day I attended a workshop called “So You Want to Launch a Podcast.” I went to this workshop because in class we had recently started making a podcast. This workshop was presented by Andrew DeVigal. He gave me and many other tips on how to launch a podcast or make your podcast better. He told us what equipment was best to use if you are using an at-home studio. 

Andrew DeVigal worked as the multimedia editor at The New York Times. And before he worked at The New York Times he was a professor at San Francisco State University. He is now the Chair in Journalism Innovation And Civic Engagement at the University of Oregon SOJC-Portland. 

He taught us we should have a cause for your podcast. Why are you making a podcast? What do you want people to believe? Next, you need to take action. Acquire the proper equipment for where you are recording. If you are in our recording in a room with noise around it try to record in a corner away from windows. Then you’ll need to edit your podcast. Last you should come up with a storyline or how the interview will play out. Start with some action. Next, provide some background. There should be some development leading up to the climax. And last the end. 


  1. Great description - I liked how you taught the reader some things that you pulled from it!

  2. I like how you provided some of the information he talked about in your writing. Very well written.


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