Learning about Journalism at PDX Media Day

By Xander Levine

This past Friday at PDX Media Day opened my eyes to the career of journalism. After arriving at the White Stag building just around 9:00, I quickly decided that I wanted to go to the session about “covering sports in the digital age.”After attending several sessions that explored topics such as sports photography, covering sports in the digital age and how to ask good questions, I realized it was going to be a fun day!

All the speakers that were giving the presentations were all in different careers. The women who spoke about asking good questions was a teacher, however the sport photography session was taught by a photographer that worked with the Timbers. The other session about covering sports in the digital age was taught by a TV sports broadcaster who works for KOIN 6.

I thought it was very cool and genuinely appreciated the fact that so many people took time out of their work day to come teach us new things. It showed that these individuals really do care about the future of journalism. Looking on to next year's class, I think that it would be a good idea to do this again and make sure everyone in the intro class was in attendance as I truly believe it betters everyone's knowledge.


  1. I like how you showed why you appreciate these people who led these sessions.

  2. Zander, I like the way you explained your appreciation.

  3. Nice conclusion. I like how you showed your appreciation towards those who were teaching the sessions!

  4. I like how you talked about all the different sessions you went to. I also like your intro!

  5. I like how you reflect on the experience and look to the future!


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