Crystal Ligori

Photo by: M. Rechner

By Annika Wang

An alumni of University of Montana, earning a degree in Broadcast Journalism, while winning both the Society of Professional Journalists award and Hearst Journalism award, Crystal Ligori is an accomplished producer and newscasters for OPB. Aside from being a producer and newscaster, she is also a freelance voice over artist.

We were fortunate enough to have her as a guest speaker and journalist. With her time with us, we were able to learn more about what her daily life looks like, and how to create podcasts. From day to day, she is able to go to work at around ten in the morning and get back home at around seven at night. This allows her to have time to sleep in, and still do what she loves.

After some background about her job, we were able to start our podcast the next class. My group decided to do ours about food, and what Lincoln student’s opinions are. Once we had written our intro, summary, and some interview questions, she helped walk us through the process. While the first step of getting the introduction recorded, a few of my group members went to find intro music and outro music for our podcast on the Free Music Archive. When all of the interviews were done, and the summary was recorded, it was time to put it all together.

In order to perfect our podcast, we had to go through each of our own sections and cut out unnecessary parts or edit the volume of the recording. Although we didn’t have the time to edit the whole thing, we managed to end class with a finish podcast. We had our intro music that slid into the start of it, and the outro slowing ending it.

Overall, I enjoyed being given the chance to make a podcast. In the beginning I was a bit wary about the whole process, and how I would sound, but it ended up going a lot smoother than expected.


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