Andrew DeVigal at PDX Media Day

Photo by International Journalism Festival

By Hadley Steele

On Friday, March 8th, Anna Loy, Lola Conopio-Mora, and I all went to a lecture led by Andrew DeVigal at the PDX Media Day. His lecture, titled So You Want to Launch a Podcast, was about exactly what it’s titled. He went in depth about the why-how-what format he uses in his podcasts and how it is effective. We went to his podcast because after are in-class experience with podcasts we wanted to learn more about creating podcasts. We learned a lot from his slideshow, and he gave us the link to refer to it outside of the lecture so that we can continue to learn from it in the future.

Andrew DeVigal is an Emmy- Award-winning journalist who is known for his innovative way of connecting people and ideas into dynamic stories (DeVigal). He is the current professor of practice at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communications and works to produce better student journalism and improve democracy (DeVigal). DeVigal shares hat he is a former Multimedia Editor of the New York Times. He writes about his goal to turn the newsroom into a digital and interactive place. DeVigal is incredibly talented and well known throughout the journalism community.

At his lecture, my biggest takeaway was the popularity of podcasts and their creation. I was impressed by how basic it is to start a podcast even from home, and I appreciated how he showed us how to DIY it. DeVigal also introduced a format that is why-how-what so that you can show people the importance of what you are talking about. I learned a lot about podcasts and I was super impressed by DeVigal himself.


  1. I appreciate how you spoke about his credibility as well as the experience you had

  2. I like how you described DeVigal and talked about how starting a podcast isn't as hard as it seems. Also your writing has nice flow.


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