
By Evan, Teal, Madison, Lena, Darina, Sammie


Instagram: IGoToLincoln

Our group created both a video and an Instagram account to simultaneously showcase the diversity at Lincoln and allow students at Lincoln to get to know their peers better. The result is a multimedia campaign implementing social media, audio clips, and video clips:

#IGoToLincoln. For the social media aspect of the campaign, we observed different students roaming Lincoln's halls and asked them casual questions - "How was your day?" "What did you eat for breakfast?" etc. in an attempt to get their diverse personalities and experiences across without making them feel interrogated by deep, intimate personal questions. Pictures of each person were taken and the audio clips were transcribed into quotes to paste into each Instagram post; this formatting style was based off of "Humans of New York" which we'd like to believe has a similar goal in mind to ours.

For the audio/video portion of the project, our group approached different people in the halls and asked them to hold our "#IGoToLincoln" sign, saying something equivalent to "we go to Lincoln!" or "I go to Lincoln!"hoping to enthusiastically convey the broad and diverse student body– 1,700 strong– that attend school on campus.

Together, these multimedia resources create a campaign that will help students at Lincoln to appreciate and understand their peers.

 Our group participates in the campaign themselves!


  1. This was a very good idea. It reminded me of what they do on the Harvard Instagram account and I love to read them. I am glad you decided to do this!

  2. This is a very interesting and different idea. It's cool to see how people's personalities and behavior differ.

  3. This is really cool! I really like the idea of capturing different perspectives and sharing them through social media.

  4. I really like this concept. With all the students at Lincoln you see new faces everyday!


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