Forecast for Mass Communications

By Bella, Ella and Cole

This video was made to inform incoming Mass Communications students and those interested in taking the class about what students do in Mass Communications. Those who are considering forecasting for Mass Communications in the coming years can watch this video and learn about the types of articles students write, as well as the opportunities they will have to publish their work and get it out into the community.

Current students were interviewed about what they liked doing most in Mass Communications and about what important skills they gained. Many will be returning in their next year of high school to the Advanced Communications class. They will have more opportunities to publish articles in the print version of The Cardinal Times and take up leadership positions on The Cardinal Times staff.

In the video, Ms. Rechner, Communications teacher, also spoke to any students who want to take the class. She highlighted the many chances students will have to submit articles to the New York Times Learning Network contests and to The Cardinal Times online.

Mass Communications is for those who want to improve their writing, have their voice heard and get their work out into the world. Forecast for Mass Communications to take advantage of these opportunities.


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