Welcome to the New World

Illustration by Rickterto, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

By Calder Moon

The Pulitzer Prize is a well known prestigious award, often given to great authors or journalists. But did you know you can win a Pulitzer Prize for making comics? You can if you’re Jake Halpern.

Halpern, along with freelance cartoonist Michael Sloan, won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in editorial cartooning for their 20-part comic strip, Welcome to the New World, which was featured on the New York Times. The comic followed the lives of a real family from Syria seeking refuge in the United States. Names were changed to protect the identities of the family.

Halpern and Sloan made some interesting choices regarding Welcome to the New World. For example, the entire comic is colored in with varying shades of blue, possibly to set a somber or quiet tone. The main question I have is, why did they make is a 20-piece strip in a newspaper, as opposed to making a graphic novel or a webcomic?


  1. I have seen parts of this comic before, but I didn't know what it was about! It was nice to read about it, and I didn't know they won the Pulitzer.


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